Makeover Snapshots

When you place an order for the Makeover Package, I will send you this form to complete:

When I receive the form I will complete the package based on the information you provide to me.


Here are snapshots of the contents of the Makeover Package:


Package Tabs


New Logbooks –  Also available a la carte (link)

I will perform a complete Airworthiness Directive research on all of the items you provide to me on the form you complete and return.  I then compile the Airworthiness Directives into separate lists for each component categorized by “One Time” and “Recurring”.  Each item has its own page to easily add new entries as new Airworthiness Directives are issued on the component, as well as plenty of room to add entries to the “Recurring” list as they are complied with.  Also included are copies of each Airworthiness Directive so you know exactly what is required.


One-Time AD List


Copies of One-Time AD’s


Recurring AD List


Copies of Recurring AD’sAD’s Also available a la carte (link)

All of the information is assembled in the binder before I send it to you:

New Maintenance Records Binder


After I place your “N” number on your new Tote Bag, I send the package to you.

New Log Tote Bag – Tote Bag Also available a la carte (link)

(The procedure and finished product for the Twin Engine Package is more involved.  There will be 2 information forms and added sections and tabs for information on the second engine and propeller.)

All of this for ONLY

Single Engine Package = $250.00 plus $23.00 shipping.
Twin Engine Package = $375.00 plus $23.00 shipping.




Please do reach out to me with any questions via email, text or phone!

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